Child Support
In order to
determine child
support, the court
will look at the
combined gross
incomes of both
parents and use
state guidelines to
establish support
based on that
income. For example,
if the father’s
gross income is
$3,000 a month and
the mother’s gross
income is $2,000,
their total gross
income is $5,000. If
the judge determines
that the support
should be $1,000 a
month, then the
amount paid would
depend on which
parent is the
parent. If the
mother is the
parent, then she
would pay 40% of the
child support to the
father, or $400. If
the father is the
parent, then he will
pay 60%, or $600 to
the mother. There
are also different
factors that can
change the amount of
child support; for
example, if one
parent has other
children to support
or is paying for the
child’s medical
insurance. The
Georgia Child
support Commission
provides a child
support guideline
Child support can be
paid directly from
one parent to the
other, but if the
paying parent is
delinquent, the
judge may order a
wage garnishment
order which allows
for the child
support to come
directly from the
paying parent’s
paycheck to the
receiving spouse.
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